Application for Registration or Modification in the Third Party Registry



For more information please check Resolución reguladora.

WARNING: If you do not have a username and password to access the Electronic Office (Sede Electrónica) of the University of La Laguna, see how to obtain them at the following link.

Aim of procedure

Procedure for applying for registration or modification in the Third Party Registry of the University of La Laguna of its creditors: a requirement to receive payments from the University of La Laguna.


It is mandatory for all suppliers who invoice the University of La Laguna to be registered as Third Parties and have their details up to date:
- The details of the applicant that appear in the Application should correspond to those of the person who has been authenticated by username and password in the Electronic Office to initiate the procedure.
- In the event that the creditor is a legal person, an entity without legal personality or a natural person acting through a Representative, the application must be completed, signed and presented by the Representative. You must attach to the application the document evidencing the power of representation.
- In all cases, legal person, entity without legal personality or individual, must be recorded in the application identification details (name and surname or company name) as they appear on the identification document (Company VAT or TAX number, Individual VAT or TAX number or NIE – Foreigners Identification Number in case of a foreign natural person).
- In all cases of Registration, the bank details of the account in which the supplier wishes to receive payment are required.
- In the case of Modification of details, include in the application all updated details
- In all cases, the identification document of the applicant (representative or natural person, as the case may be) must be attached as mandatory documentation.
- The accreditation of the ownership of the current account must be demonstrated through a certificate of ownership of the bank account issued by the financial institution, or an alternative document issued by the bank. If the account holder is a natural person, it will be sufficient to provide a photocopy of the savings book, an extract sent by the financial institution, check or any other document that shows the name of the account holder and the bank details with 24 digits.


- Others
- Teachers, academics and researchers
- Administrative staff

Department responsible

Negociado de Pagos

Resolution Body

University Administration and Management

Applicable regulations

General regulations
• Specific regulation:
- Resolución de 19 de junio de la Gerencia de la Universidad de La Laguna by which instructions are established regarding the procedure of the Registration or Modification in the Third Party Registry of the University of La Laguna.

Maximum time limit

Not applicable.

Effect of administrative silence

Not applicable

Appeals decision

Not applicable

Reference number of procedure


Details required for processing the application

Means of presentation

- Through the Electronic Office (Sede Electrónica) of the University of La Laguna.

Deadline for submission

Throughout the year.

Documentation required

- Application form to initiate the procedure.
- Identification document of the applicant (Representative or individual, depending on the case).
- Identification document of the legal entity or entity without legal personality (Company or Individual VAT OR TAX identification number).
- Certification of ownership of the bank account issued by the financial institution.
- Document accrediting the power of representation, in the event that the application is presented by a representative.

Requires prior payment of fees


Personal data protection

The presentation of the procedure implies acceptance of the privacy policy of the University of La Laguna.

Contact details

Negociado de Pagos. Telephone: 922845081 - 922319472. Email: